2. 12. 2020, 11:27

Sezonska spletna obsesija je spet tu - mačke proti božičnim drevescem


Vsak december se med objave na vseh družbenih medijih prikradejo fotografije čudovitih nezgod, ki so lastnikom mačk v adventnem času še kako znane. Mački in božična drevesca so vedno recept za takšne ali drugačne norčije.

Merry Christmas! (x-post from /r/pics) from r/catsintrees

No need to put a star on top of the tree now.. from r/pics

Woke up to our cat "trying" to hide in the tree from r/aww

My mom sent me photos of her new Christmas tree. That cat seems to approve... from r/funny

My friend's kitten discovered the Christmas tree. from r/aww

My friends cat Magnus helping us take down the Christmas tree.. from r/aww

My kitten also loves the Christmas tree. Doesn't like the ornaments. from r/aww

Set up Christmas tree and came back to this from r/cats

Not even 2 minutes after I put up my cheap fake christmas tree... from r/aww

My work here is done. from r/pics

Novo na Metroplay: "Za vsako uro, ki jo vložimo v vadbo, dobimo nazaj 3 ure življenja" | Leon Bedrač, 2. del