N.A. | 4. 5. 2020, 16:49

Tudi legenda Formule 1 občuduje Hamiltona


Bernie Ecclestone, nekoč alfa in omega Formule 1, poudarja, da je vpliv Lewisa Hamiltona v avto-moto športu neverjetno velik.

Lewis Hamilton je šestkratni prvak Formule 1 in potrebuje samo še en naslov, da bi dohitel legendarnega Michaela Schumacherja na prvem mestu večne lestvice rekorderjev.

Uspehi na stezi so samo nekateri od razlogov, zaradi katerih Bernie Ecclestone izpostavlja njegov vpliv na dogajanje v avto-moto športu. "Je večji od Formule 1. Drugačen je, prava klasa! Nič slabega ni, če imaš svojo modno linijo ali raperje prijatelje. Mislim, da mu nihče ni dal knjige z navodili. Je v položaju, v katerem lahko nekatere ljudi tudi 'prebudi', in všeč mi je, da to počne," je Ecclestone dejal za AutoCar.

Hamilton je član Mercedesa od leta 2013 in v zadnjih treh sezonah absolutno dominira v najhitrejšem oktanskem cirkusu na svetu. Zavidljiv je tudi njegov vpliv na družbenih omrežjih, na Instagramu mu sledi več kot 15 milijonov sledilcev:

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I miss racing everyday. This is the first time since I was 8 that I haven’t started a season. When you live and breath something you love, when it’s gone there’s definitely a big void. But there’s always positives to take from these times. Right now, we all have time in the world to reflect on life, our decisions, our goals, the people we have around us, our careers. Today, we see clearer skies all over the world, less animals being slaughtered for our pleasure simply because our demands are much lower and everyone staying in. Let’s not come back the same as we went into this tough time, let’s come out of it with better knowledge of our world, changing our personal choices and habits. Let’s come out of this as a new us, a new reinvigorated you, fitter, healthier and more focused but above all, kinder, more generous and gracious and caring for our world and the people in it. I hope we all do. #wecandothis #together #oneworld #wewinandwelosetogether

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